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Let’s connect and build a stronger and more inclusive society together.

In a turbulent fast-paced world, with changes in the economic situation, fast technological developments, environmental issues, and decision-making politics, young people and adults are being left unguided or not thought in the first place how to deal with these transitions. Therefore, they are at risk of social exclusion, unemployment, poverty and lack of civic engagement.

In this context, Synchro wants to build a safe space that focuses on connecting young people and adults to listen and acknowledge each other’s struggles and needs, build up resilience and stronger communities, support their mental and physical well-being and create the context for them to rewrite their personal narratives and live a better life.

Our Projects

Mobilities for Professionals and Organizations

We are offering tools and best practices for personal and professional development.

Mobilities for Youth

We are creating the context for people all around the world to meet, connect and grow.

Community activities

We are developing community initiatives for building inclusiveness of the newcomers and local families in the Netherlands.


Unity and cooperation

We desire to bring ideas to life and create impact in the society today through a multitude of initiatives and projects that give the youngsters and adults the necessary tools to make a change, grow and flourish.